
Apartment Esebeck – View of Murau

Our lovingly designed apartment awaits you on the edge of the old town of Murau. Perfect for couples or small families, our home offers all the advantages for an unforgettable stay. The 51m² living area offers space for up to 3 people thanks to a sofa bed. You can park near the building at parking lot number 1. You will also find a petting zoo about 3 km away in Woody Park, which offers a charming experience with rabbits and alpacas. ?


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The 51m² apartment is located on the edge of the charming old town of Murau! The lovingly furnished home offers space for up to 3 people, ideal for families or friends.

The apartment was recently renovated and therefore offers modern facilities combined with a medieval flair.

Amenities include a TV, WLAN access and a beautiful overall view of the old town of Murau.


daily from 4 to 6 pm


Until 10 o'clock


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